T-MAE: Temporal Masked Autoencoders for Point Cloud Representation Learning

University of Amsterdam

TL;DR: We present T-MAE, a pre-training strategy to learn point cloud representation and temporal dependency.


The scarcity of annotated data in LiDAR point cloud understanding hinders effective representation learning. Consequently, scholars have been actively investigating efficacious self-supervised pre-training paradigms. Nevertheless, temporal information, which is inherent in the LiDAR point cloud sequence, is consistently disregarded.

To better utilize this property, we propose an effective pre-training strategy, namely Temporal Masked Auto-Encoders (T-MAE), which takes as input temporally adjacent frames and learns temporal dependency. A SiamWCA backbone, containing a Siamese encoder and a windowed cross-attention (WCA) module, is established for the two-frame input. Considering that the movement of an ego-vehicle alters the view of the same instance, temporal modeling also serves as a robust and natural data augmentation, enhancing the comprehension of target objects. SiamWCA is a powerful architecture but heavily relies on annotated data. Our T-MAE pre-training strategy alleviates its demand on annotated data.

Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that T-MAE achieves the best performance on both Waymo and ONCE datasets among competitive self-supervised approaches.

T-MAE Overview

Method Overview

Two frames are sampled from a sequence of point clouds. The second point cloud undergoes an masking process. The pretext task is to reconstruct the second point cloud based on a full observation of the first point cloud and a partial observation of the second point cloud.



  title={T-MAE: Temporal Masked Autoencoders for Point Cloud Representation Learning},
  author={Weijie Wei, Fatemeh Karimi Najadasl, Theo Gevers and Martin R. Oswald},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},